Dear All,
We just came to the end of this difficult year where almost all world population was affected by Covid-19 consequences.
We never experienced in our lives a situation like this one, finding ourselves locked at home for such a long period.
We, as “Elettrici Senza Frontiere”, had already planned some missions for 2020 and we were forced to postpone them to other future dates.
When spring time came up we realized that this serious health emergency was dramatically scaling up.
We therefore decided to start working on a remote basis, and we decided to apply this new working experience from home to the so called “Renew-able against Covid-19” in cooperation with Res4Africa foundation and professor Micangeli of La Sapienza University of Rome.
By selecting a local solar panels installer in Kenya (Solar Edge) and local personnel trained in previous years through the “Micro Grid Academy”, “Elettrici Senza Frontiere” successfully completed the Mission Kenya Nchiru 2020.
The aim of the Mission was to install and put into operation a solar photovoltaic plant with 5kWp with battery storage to feed the sanitary compound AINA that hosts abandoned Children bearing severe illnesses. This project was competed in two months, only.
We were more than conscious that some operative risks could have possibly come to rise, not been able to travel with our volunteers to Kenya. Nevertheless, the lesson learned was quite positive and absolutely better than expected.
We experienced how teaming up with local partners selected in remote mode and trusting them was finally a success story. We are proud to announce the result of this Mission which is shown in our Season’s Greetings here enclosed: the light appearing in the children’s housing at Nchiru village.
This mission has been conceptualized, designed and directed from Italy by “Elettrici Senza Frontiere” and realized locally by Solar Edge in Kenya.
Let me take this opportunity to thank all of you for your great support and to share my best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Working all together, conducting new energy!
All the best
Felice Egidi
President “Elettrici Senza Frontiere”