On 15th September Pope Francis visited the Hope and Charity Mission in Palermo, a place of welcome set up in 1991 by Fratel Biagio Conte, who with a dense network of volunteers today helps about 900 people. ESF Italy is collaborating to implement the new 60 kwp solar photovoltaic plant which will be installed in the complex on various roof pitches. (See more detail here).
Various newspapers are interested in our project. We should like to thank the “Giornale di Sicilia”, “BlogSicilia.it” and “Palermo Today”:
- http://palermo.gds.it/2018/09/16/palermo-un-nuovo-impianto-fotovoltaico-illuminera-la-cittadella-del-povero-di-biagio-conte_916673/
- https://www.blogsicilia.it/palermo/elettrici-senza-frontiere-in-campo-in-realizzazione-impianto-fotovoltaico-missione-speranza-e-carita-di-biagio-conte/453038/#Exrh6btUjZiTPDuI.99
- http://www.palermotoday.it/attualita/papa-francesco-pranzo-missione-biagio-conte-retroscena.html